Martha's World

Martha's World
Alberta is the setting for Martha's Vine

Friday, December 31, 2010

And so it begins

Today is the last day of my former life... life before my self-imposed deadline of 3-thousand words a day. I must stay to my schedule or I won't get the first draft of Martha's Vine: Book 2 finished before my heavy schedule of commitments kicks in again.

Please accept my very best wishes for a 2011 filled with much joy and success... May the Lord keep your bird feeders filled.

If you miss me, you'll find me on Facebook.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

The fear of success?

What exactly is this fear of success? I have never understood that quaint little expression. "You aren't doing (whatever it is the well-meaning person feels you should be doing) anything about it, because you fear success."

How does any breathing human fear success? What? The good feelings might be overwhelming? The fame a little suffocating? How about the newfound wealth? Too much for you?

Nope, I beg to differ... I have fears, but not of success.

For instance, I fear never being able to finish the sequel to Martha's Vine -- that's a staggering fear. I fear the discomfort of not being able to think up the next scene. I fear forgetting the next scene that came into my head while I was driving down the road or taking a shower, circumstances making it impossible to capture my thoughts as they occurred. 

A new fear just arose today: what if I stopped liking my characters? What if I stopped caring about their struggles, their hopes, their dreams, their survival. What then? What if they stopped talking to me? What if they all went mute and refused to give up their tale? What then?

I fear alright, every day... but not success. I don't even fear failure. Rather, I fear the discomfort, the indecision, the angst, and the annoying hand-wringing despair that can lead to failure.

Thank goodness for friends who may not experience the same fears, but who tug you along by your hand, speaking kind words and offering warm hugs. For with them, I can get by the silly fears. And the big fears? God handles those.

Happy New Year! May 2011 bring you great joy and much success in all your endeavours. God bless you all.


Monday, December 27, 2010


Originally uploaded by Hadassah28 (In deepest sympathy for Gina)

No time for pictures these days. Too busy working on the sequel to Martha's Vine.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My new boots

My new boots
Originally uploaded by Sharon Young

And another book signed by the author finds its way to a new home.
Thanks, Sharon! Enjoy.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Last Night, I Dined With The Author!

Last Night, I Dined With The Author!
Originally uploaded by Digital Agent

Thanks, Ken! Always happy to meet up with Flickr friends. See you again... SOON!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vanishing Alberta

Vanishing Alberta
Originally uploaded by Hadassah28 (Sheree)

Martha's Vine is set in the western Canadian province of Alberta. There is no electricity in the story; can using these old horse-drawn farm machines be far behind?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Too many irons in the fire

Too many irons in the fire
Originally uploaded by Hadassah28 (Sheree)

I need six of me to keep up with all my responsibilities. And now with the added pressures of getting my novel out to the world... well, I can use two more of me.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cannot escape my camera by Anuj of Edmonton, Alberta

Cannot escape my camera
Originally uploaded by A.N.U.J

Author of Martha's Vine, Sheree Zielke, is also a photographer and digital camera teacher. She and a group of friends attended a night burn held by the Edmonton fire department. It was a training session for new recruits. Great fun.

Photo by Anuj of Edmonton.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Martha’s Vine: Kindle edition doing great on

It is one thing to write a 584 page book; it is quite another to market it.

The good news is that the Kindle edition of Martha’s Vine is doing very well on Amazon. But the paperback version, newly released this past week, is still struggling. Please give it a look, buy 2 books, read one, give one away, write a review, send me your address, and I will send you a new book signed by me. Give the other book away, too. BTW, if you think I will become a millionaire…selling books on Amazon… let me enlighten you… I would need to sell 1-million books to become a millionaire. You do the math.

Read the customer REVIEWS!

4987181918_3d97ee4d97 (2)

Please help a struggling new author… tell a friend, read some of the reviews, click, “YES,” that the reviews were helpful, or buy a book or two. Or better still, tell Oprah!

Thank you!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hey, Oprah... Martha's Vine! It's the year's hottest new read!

Okay, I couldn't wait for you guys to do it... but you can do it, too. I am providing the link. If you think Martha's Vine is worth telling Oprah about, then please tell her. Here is my letter:

Martha's Vine: Climbing the Amazon charts jumping 100s of thousands of positions within hours.

Ex-Manitoba farm girl interviews top Hell's Angels member, Sonny Barger; It's research for her 2nd novel -- a follow-up to Martha's Vine


From teen runaway... to rock and roll reporter... to crime reporter... to photographer... and now novelist. Sheree Zielke is an ex-farm girl from Beausejour, Manitoba. She ran away at 15 and never returned; she is now 55.

In that time, she became a crime reporter, a rock and roll interviewer, an award-winning photographer, and finally, a novelist. Her first book, Martha's Vine, an action/adventure thriller set in Alberta, was just released on Amazon. Its initial release as a Kindle book resulted in great sales... and stellar reviews.

Sheree has plans for a follow-up book to Martha's Vine and spent several days in Sturgis, SD, researching bikers, bike clubs, and club members like the infamous Sonny Barger, the man the Hell's Angels call, "Chief."

Martha's Vine is story aimed at the middle-aged reader, both women and men, with a middle-aged heroine who is forced to fight the odds in a post-apocalyptic world where murderous bikers attempt to rule. But Martha stands in their way.

For more information, check out the following links:


Monday, September 13, 2010

Curves in the Road

Curves in the Road
Originally uploaded by Rays From Heaven - aka Red Tango

A beautiful gesture by my friends and sister, Jenny.

Martha's Vine: How to get your FREE autographed copy

Martha's Vine: How to get your FREE autographed copy
Originally uploaded by Hadassah28(Martha's Vine printed now on Amazon)

Please show your support.... buy a book, write a review, and qualify for your very own signed copy.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Martha's Vine now in PRINT

It took a mere 15 years... but Martha's Vine, the novel, is now in print and for sale on
Early reviews are great. Please check it out.

Please read some of the reviews and click "Yes," when asked, "was this review helpful." That will ensure the book stays twinned with popular novels.

In addition, should you purchase a book, let the author know... via email. She will then put you on a list to receive a signed copy FREE of charge... but only once you have read the book, and posted a review on and then given the book to someone else.

After that, you will get a brand new autographed book for FREE.

Be sure to email Sheree Zielke with your name and full mailing address.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Time sure has flown

Back from Sturgis. We had a wonderful adventure... and one of the best road trips ever. Met so many people, talked to so many bikers, and other travelers.

Interviewed Sonny Barger at the Hell's Angels clubhouse in Sturgis. The meeting was very pleasant and he was very gracious, answering questions from a sheet of questions I had prepared. I also got a chance to talk with the Sin City club president, PeeWee. All in all, it was a very rewarding chat. My thanks to both men, Sonny's wife, Zee, and Sonny's lawyer, Amy.

In keeping with Biker interviews, by total accident I interviewed a top Bandido president out of Las Vegas, Guido. We shared a breakfast table in the motel David and I were staying at. Thanks, Guido. Another very pleasant encounter that netted me more very valuable insights into the life of those who live and die by their allegiance to a motorcycle club.

I will share just a bit about the interview with Sonny Barger -- I know the one thing he regrets in his life: smoking. Other than that, he is a very content man.

Martha's Vine is going through a final formatting revision and proofing. I had to have a physical copy in my hands to ensure that the book looked professional. We had a few issues like right-hand justification; should be fixed now. I hope so. It takes a great deal out of me to hit another learning curve.

Busy week ahead.

Cheers everyone.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sonny Barger interview today

We have been in Sturgis, SD for the past 4 days. A very exciting and eye-opening event. Total culture shock for me having never attended a bike rally before. I have been posting a few videos of the event.

I met Sonny Barger yesterday at his book signing at the Hell's Angels' shop in downtown Sturgis. He agreed to an interview later this afternoon. I am looking forward to it.

Tonight, I will take in the Bob Dylan concert at the Buffalo Chip campground. Last night was ZZ Top... too much for my ears.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Oh where, oh where is my print edition?

Waiting and waiting, wishing and hoping...but still no book to hold in my hands. Seems the printer has had communication problems...we keep getting promised a book, and they keep losing it. Sigh... but all good things must come to those who wait. Right?

In the meantime, the Kindle and PC edition of Martha's Vine is riding up and down on New reviews have been added, and they are positive. Please visit if you have a moment and click, YES, when asked if the reviews have been helpful. It costs you nothing, but keeps the book higher in Amazon's rankings.

Next up: Sturgis, SD for the largest biker rally in the world, the 70th annual.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Now the promotion begins

It is one thing to write a novel...but it's quite another to promote it, especially a first novel.

Today, I visited Evansburg and the Pembina River Provincial Park -- two locations featured in the novel. I took a handful of beautifully designed Martha's Vine cards and walked the campground until I had placed every card into an eager hand.

My thanks to those who accepted the cards with enthusiasm...I am looking forward to your support.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Martha's Vine: The Novel

What a first novel, but it is done. After 15 years in incubation, and 6 months in writing and in editing, it is ready for the e-Shelves.

Today, it went up for sale as a Kindle book available for the iPhone or the iPad on

For more information, please visit the Martha's Vine website.