Martha's World

Martha's World
Alberta is the setting for Martha's Vine

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cannot escape my camera by Anuj of Edmonton, Alberta

Cannot escape my camera
Originally uploaded by A.N.U.J

Author of Martha's Vine, Sheree Zielke, is also a photographer and digital camera teacher. She and a group of friends attended a night burn held by the Edmonton fire department. It was a training session for new recruits. Great fun.

Photo by Anuj of Edmonton.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Martha’s Vine: Kindle edition doing great on

It is one thing to write a 584 page book; it is quite another to market it.

The good news is that the Kindle edition of Martha’s Vine is doing very well on Amazon. But the paperback version, newly released this past week, is still struggling. Please give it a look, buy 2 books, read one, give one away, write a review, send me your address, and I will send you a new book signed by me. Give the other book away, too. BTW, if you think I will become a millionaire…selling books on Amazon… let me enlighten you… I would need to sell 1-million books to become a millionaire. You do the math.

Read the customer REVIEWS!

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Please help a struggling new author… tell a friend, read some of the reviews, click, “YES,” that the reviews were helpful, or buy a book or two. Or better still, tell Oprah!

Thank you!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hey, Oprah... Martha's Vine! It's the year's hottest new read!

Okay, I couldn't wait for you guys to do it... but you can do it, too. I am providing the link. If you think Martha's Vine is worth telling Oprah about, then please tell her. Here is my letter:

Martha's Vine: Climbing the Amazon charts jumping 100s of thousands of positions within hours.

Ex-Manitoba farm girl interviews top Hell's Angels member, Sonny Barger; It's research for her 2nd novel -- a follow-up to Martha's Vine


From teen runaway... to rock and roll reporter... to crime reporter... to photographer... and now novelist. Sheree Zielke is an ex-farm girl from Beausejour, Manitoba. She ran away at 15 and never returned; she is now 55.

In that time, she became a crime reporter, a rock and roll interviewer, an award-winning photographer, and finally, a novelist. Her first book, Martha's Vine, an action/adventure thriller set in Alberta, was just released on Amazon. Its initial release as a Kindle book resulted in great sales... and stellar reviews.

Sheree has plans for a follow-up book to Martha's Vine and spent several days in Sturgis, SD, researching bikers, bike clubs, and club members like the infamous Sonny Barger, the man the Hell's Angels call, "Chief."

Martha's Vine is story aimed at the middle-aged reader, both women and men, with a middle-aged heroine who is forced to fight the odds in a post-apocalyptic world where murderous bikers attempt to rule. But Martha stands in their way.

For more information, check out the following links:


Monday, September 13, 2010

Curves in the Road

Curves in the Road
Originally uploaded by Rays From Heaven - aka Red Tango

A beautiful gesture by my friends and sister, Jenny.

Martha's Vine: How to get your FREE autographed copy

Martha's Vine: How to get your FREE autographed copy
Originally uploaded by Hadassah28(Martha's Vine printed now on Amazon)

Please show your support.... buy a book, write a review, and qualify for your very own signed copy.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Martha's Vine now in PRINT

It took a mere 15 years... but Martha's Vine, the novel, is now in print and for sale on
Early reviews are great. Please check it out.

Please read some of the reviews and click "Yes," when asked, "was this review helpful." That will ensure the book stays twinned with popular novels.

In addition, should you purchase a book, let the author know... via email. She will then put you on a list to receive a signed copy FREE of charge... but only once you have read the book, and posted a review on and then given the book to someone else.

After that, you will get a brand new autographed book for FREE.

Be sure to email Sheree Zielke with your name and full mailing address.
